Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to everyone. I shall be blogging again shortly. At the moment things are a bit hectic flat-hunting which is always a challenge and all consuming in London. This time I am looking for a whole flat to share with my boyfriend (and my kitty) which is exciting.  Fingers crossed something perfect will come up fast so I can get back to doing other things.

It has been interesting deciding on the location because we work on opposite sides of London from each other and nowhere near central London we have been out for walks in areas to see what they are like, so I've been able to see some new parts of London which I always like.

While I knew rentals are pretty crazy in London right now with more people looking than places available because of people not being able to afford to buy.  Still I was put in a bit of a tail spin yesterday after viewing a flat that was advertised as a 1 double bedroom (to be a double bedroom you must be able to fit a double bed in it).  The ad for this flat as it turns out used a photo of the upstairs living room, which as it turns out is double the size of the one in the apartment available.  The "bedroom" was an alcove in the hall that lead to the bathroom with a double bed in it, a hall my boyfriend had to turn to fit through the doorway no less, and no window! This is not a room in my world.  It was quite shocking!


Lisa said...

Is it wrong that I find it a bit comforting that the housing market somewhere in the world is crazier than it is here in Vancouver?

BluenoseGirl said...

The good news is agents (you mostly go through realtor's like when buying over here) don't bat an eye when you say you have a cat. That was a relief.