Monday, November 29, 2010

Old Friends

When I was 13 a very good friend of mine Erin moved away to Ottawa.  Erin and I had known each other since we were 5, and lived 2 minutes away from each other.  It was a sad time.  We wrote letters for a while but then lost touch (as you did before Facebook and email came along).

Fast forward 10 years later, my sister who was going to University in Ottawa was stopped by a girl on campus who thought she was me.  My sister realized she recognized the girl and Erin realized it was not me, but my sister.  Emails were exchanged and my sister forwarded the information on to me. I had a visit to Ottawa to see my sister planned so Erin and I plans to meet for Lunch.

As the day approached I felt a little hesitation, what if it was awkward and we had nothing to say to each other? It turned out none of that was a problem, Erin was still the girl I knew and loved, lunch went far to fast and I left very pleased to have my old friend in my life again.

So what does this have to do with London, well fast forward 10 more years... time for another reunion! After both of us having moved around and living in various parts of the world we were going to cross paths again, Erin was coming to London on some work related business.

We managed to meet up 3 times in the week she was in London and about 7/8 months later again when her brother relocated to London and she came for a visit.  Great to catch up and not wait 10 years between visits. Alas now she is living in Asia, I can only hope it isn't 10 years until I see her again.

Me, Jennie (another London friend of Erin's) and Erin.

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