Tuesday, November 23, 2010

First visit home.

Attempt number 2 to go home was successful. After getting the doctor's ok that I could fly off I went. This ticket was booked to either bring me home if London wasn't working or to finalize things such as selling my car and making the move more permanent. Despite ending up in the hospital and having a couple of shaky starts in the flat department London was under my skin and I was loving every minute.

Below are some photos of the things that make my home town great.

A visit with Tweasel at Shannon and Joel's who were kindly fostering her until I could find a cat friendly flat in London.  I got a bit of the old cold shoulder from her.

The good old Town Clock in Halifax.

The Economy Shoe Shop, a bar I really like.

Boats out in the harbour. Summer stuck around for my late visit, which I was very happy about.

The lake I grew up on, kayaking, swimming, skating, fireworks - Fantastic!

Banook lake is used for world class boating championships.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I realize now how lucky we were to live by Banook Lake growing up - having swimming, skating and Natal day so close by. I sure took it for granted back then!